A US-EU program to defeat the global pandemic Vaccinate the world, save lives now and rebuild better health security



Vaccination is the most effective response to the COVID pandemic. The US and EU are technology leaders in advanced vaccine platforms, given decades of investment in research and development.

It is vital that we aggressively pursue a program to immunize the world. The coordinated leadership of the US and the EU will help expand supply, deliver in a more coordinated and efficient manner, and manage supply chain constraints. This will show the strength of a transatlantic partnership to facilitate global immunization while enabling further progress through multilateral and regional initiatives.

Based on the results of the G20 World Health Summit in May 2021, the G7 and US-EU summits in June, and the upcoming G20 summit, the US and EU will expand cooperation to global action to immunize the world, save lives now, and build better health security.

  • Pillar I: A joint commitment to share vaccines between the EU and the United States: US and EU to share doses globally to improve immunization rates, with priority on sharing through COVAX and urgent improvement of immunization rates in low and lower middle income countries . The US is donating over 1.1 billion doses and the EU will donate over 500 million doses. This is in addition to the doses we funded through COVAX.

We call on countries capable of immunizing their populations to double their dose-sharing commitments or to make meaningful contributions to immunization readiness. They will favor predictable and efficient dose sharing to maximize sustainability and minimize waste.

  • Pillar II: A joint EU / US commitment to vaccine preparedness: US and EU will support and coordinate with relevant organizations vaccine delivery, cold chain, logistics and immunization programs to translate vial doses into weapons injections. They will share lessons learned from dose sharing, including delivery via COVAX, and promote equitable distribution of vaccines.
  • Pillar III: An EU / US partnership aimed at strengthening the global supply of vaccines and therapeutic products: EU and US to leverage their recently launched Joint COVID-19 Manufacturing and Supply Chain Working Group to support vaccine and therapeutic manufacturing and distribution and overcome chain challenges supply. Collaborative efforts, described below, will include monitoring global supply chains, assessing global demand against the supply of ingredients and production materials, and identifying and resolving real-time bottlenecks and other disruptive factors for the global production of vaccines and therapeutics, as well as the coordination of potential solutions. and initiatives to boost global production of vaccines, essential inputs and ancillary supplies.
  • Pillar IV: A joint EU / US proposal to achieve global health security. The United States and the EU will support the establishment of a Financial Intermediaries Fund (FIF) by the end of 2021 and support its sustainable capitalization. The EU and US will also support global pandemic surveillance, including the concept of a global pandemic radar. The EU and the United States, through the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, and the Advanced Biomedical Research and Development Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services social organizations, respectively, will cooperate in line with our G7 commitment to accelerate the development of new vaccines and make recommendations on improving the global capacity to deliver these vaccines in real time.

We call on partners to join in the creation and funding of the IFF to help prepare countries for COVID-19 and future biological threats.

  • Pillar V: A joint EU / US / partner roadmap for regional vaccine production. The EU and the US will coordinate investments in regional manufacturing capacity with low- and lower-middle-income countries, as well as targeted efforts to build capacity for medical countermeasures under the Build Back Better World infrastructure and the new Global Gateway partnership. The EU and the US will harmonize their efforts to strengthen local vaccine manufacturing capacities in Africa and continue discussions on expanding COVID-19 vaccine production and treatment and ensure their equitable access.

We call on partners to join in supporting coordinated investments to expand global and regional manufacturing, including for mRNA, viral vector and / or COVID-19 protein subunit vaccines.



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